
Research paper related to data analytics

Create a 2 article crititques, compare and contrast those two articles , Abstract, Thesis Statement, and Outline, Literature Review

The two articles provided have to be used and then please add 3 more scholary referred journal research articles relating to the subject matter relating to Gender, and pay in corporate america . (gender parity and strategic support)

Kulich, C., Trojanowski, G., Ryan, M. K., Haslam, S. A., & Renneboog, L. (2010). Who Gets the Carrot and Who Gets the Stick? Evidence of Gender Disparities in Executive Remuneration. SSRN Electronic Journal SSRN Journal.

Brink, M. V., & Benschop, Y. (2013). Gender in Academic Networking: The Role of Gatekeepers in Professorial Recruitment. Journal of Management Studies, 51(3), 460-492

Instructions for Research Paper

You will create a ten page research paper related to data analytics in your major field of study; i.e., Human Resource Management or Leadership and Management, referencing a minimum of five scholarly referred journal articles multiple times throughout your paper. Make sure that your scholarly referred journal articles are within five years of publication. Please refer to the example on the World Class Room as well as your research book. Before you begin, the Professor must approve your topic, thesis statement, and abstract no later than Week Three. Further instructions for writing your ten page paper will be discussed in class. For this term emphasis will be placed on the following data analytic topics to choose from in writing your paper: a) The future of recruitment; b) Gender Parity and strategic support; and/or c) Managing Health/Wellness Benefits.

Please remember to follow the compositionrequirements stated below as well as to proof-read for spelling and grammatical errors. Write in third person throughout as well as in non-sexist language. The ten pages refer to the text of your paper, not the title page, list of references, etc. Submission is due no later than Week Seven. After that time, no late papers will be accepted.


1. One inch margins top and bottom, left and right.

2. Running head on all pages.

3. Double-space throughout. Do not triple space between paragraphs.

4. Use Times New Roman, 12 point type font.

5. The page count does exclude the title page, the table of contents, abstract or references cited pages.

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