You are required to write a research paper on Youth Ministry Leadership. Many of the lessons will suggest areas in which a student might want to do additional study, and these areas are excellent for research papers. Some possible topics are given below, but this list is not exhaustive. The paper mustbe 10 to 15 typed pages following the standards listed below.
Possible Research Paper Topics
Biblical Basis for Youth Ministry
Worldview Instruction in Youth
Why do Youth Ministries Fail?
Why do Youth Ministries Succeed?
Evaluation of a Youth Ministry
Why Kids Dropout after Youth
Policies and Protections in Youth
Keeping the Youth in Church as Adults
Restructuring Youth Ministry
Where do Middle Schoolers Belong
Objectives of a Healthy Youth
The Youth Leader and the Pastor
Parents as Disciple Makers
Outcomes in Youth Ministry
Cultural Influences on Youth Ministry
Youth Ministers and their Family
Integrating the Youth into the Church
Home and Church Integration for Youth
Philosophy of Youth Ministry
Outcomes of Youth Ministry
Qualifications of a Youth Leader
Recruiting Youth Volunteers
Training Youth Volunteers
Discipling Students
Scope and Sequence of Youth Ministry
You may also submit your own topic that might be of interest to you or serve you in your ministry setting.
Standards for Research Papers
Cover page
Table of Contents: The paper musthave a clearly defined outline that is given in the Table of Contents and visible throughout the paper (cf. Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, for proper format. Basic help for this is available on the Liberty University Library webpage:
Endnotes or footnotes and bibliography according to current Turabian format.
Papers must be written to a near-thesis standard. That is, minimum format standards must be met, as defined below. English grammar, idiom, and spelling must be up to graduate level. Always include a strong introduction paragraph--declare what you intend to show the reader--and a conclusion paragraph. Qualities valued include clarity, succinctness, and precision. Do not use first person. (Third Person Only)
1½" margin on left side and 1" margins top, bottom, and right sides
Double-space (3 vertical lines per inch, 27 lines per page)
12-point standard font
Indent paragraphs 5 spaces or 0.6 inch (our thesis standard is 5/8 inch)