Research paper on the economy of the following group of countries listed below.
Norway, Russia, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia
Your research paper should include following:
1. Title - you should give a catchy title
2. Introduction -
3. Write - minimum - about the background of these countries including location, language, culture, population etc.
4. Write- minimum - about the economy of the countries from 2000 - 2016. Among other things, this section should also discuss how oil is central to their economy.
5. Write - minimum - This section should discuss how low oil prices are hurting their economy.
6. Data and Graphs-
7. Collect data for all countries in your group on percentage change in real GDP, budget balance as a percentage of GDP, total foreign-exchange reserve and Brent crude Oil price $ per barrel
8. Plot graphs using the above data
9. Explain your graphs
10. Conclusion - What should these countries do in the wake of falling oil prices to improve their respective economies (minimum)?
11. References - A P A style - minimum 10 - minimum two of which must be journal paper (more is better).