Create a research paper on "Life insurance policies have hidden charges, which are harming the policyholders."
The main three issues are as under: Provide three solutions to each issue and out of these three solutions select one which you feel is more suitable to solve the issue.
Issue 1: Mortality charges - Mortality charges are the charges, which are been, charged every year to cover the insurance.
Issue 2: Fund management charges-Fund management charges are the charges, which are
been, charged monthly on the total pool of money from same kind of policies.
Issue 3: Surrender Charges-Surrender charges are the charges, which are been, charged if someone surrenders the policy in the surrender period.
Points to be covered in the paper are as under:
No abstract required for the paper.
1. Primary Issue: It needs to be clearly defined. Must be topical or historically significant and directly relevant to the financial system. (Minimum 1 and half page)
2. Key points(which I provided on top): Identify three key points about the problem from different stakeholder views and embeds financial analysis in the narrative. (Minimum 3-4 page)
3. Solution Options: Generate at least three potential solutions options. Include a description of the cost/benefits/implications/dependencies/timeline/etc. of each. (Minimum 3-4 page)
4. Evaluation and Analysis: Financially analyze and evaluate solution options with appropriate decision criteria. (Minimum 2-3 pages)
5. Quantitative Comparison: Effective utilization of relevant quantitative model (Financial compare the options to each other). (Minimum 1 and half page)
6. Selection of chosen solution option: Select one solution option as the chosen solution and develops action/implementation plan. (Minimum 2-3 pages)