
Research online law libraries and the internet for sources

Research online law libraries and the Internet for sources concerning information on ADA, ADAAA, state, and federal medical marijuana laws, privacy for drug testing, as well as drug testing in the workplace.

Discuss the case study in a written report - including all its relevant topics - and include the following:

Cite a minimum of two federal laws and one state law in addition to other sources that apply to this case study, and be sure to cite them correctly in the body of your paper as well as the References s page.

Write report in the third-person voice.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, and include headings to appropriately signal topics and keep your document organized.

I have included the team draft as an attachment just add your work to the body of the document were it is indocated and add the references and submit the completed document back to me as the answer. This is in third person voice.

Use a minimum of five different in-text citation sources within your paper, and properly identify them in your References page. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also be included in the References page.

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Dissertation: Research online law libraries and the internet for sources
Reference No:- TGS02380887

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