
Research of the claims of harm and the causal theories

Problem definition memo:

(2-3 pages, single spaced): Summarizes the important background information necessary for understanding the issue analyzed. The problem definition provides a description supported by research of the claims of harm and the causal theories that would link problems to possible policy interventions.

This discussion allows the client to assess the nature and severity of the problem, and the possible policy interventions.

Research sources for written assignments should utilize sources that are reliable and scholarly Form and style.

Written products should be single spaced, which is typical for policy memos, with 12- point font size.

All assignments should be written in plain, concise prose using APA format for citation style.

The Problem of Preventable Deaths in Hospitals:

[Here you would demonstrate that preventable deaths in hospitals is a serious issue by citing statistics about their occurrence. You also should discuss the “claims of harm” here in terms of what negative consequences this problem might have. You could also explain here that medical errors contribute significantly to preventable deaths].

[the focus of your analysis is California state policy to address this issue]

I would do some research as to what role the State government can play. Regulation of hospital facilities typically comes from state regulatory agencies. See California Dept. of Public Health:


Casual Factors Contributing to Medical Errors:

For example, incompetency, lack of education or experience, illegible handwriting, language barriers, inaccurate documentation, gross negligence……....etc.

[You should base your information on research and evidence of what factors contribute to medical errors.]

Existing Polices and Practices Regarding Medical Errors

[You will want to frame this in the context of your client jurisdiction.]

The client jurisdiction: the California Dept. of Public Health, then you would research existing California policies to address this issue.

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Other Management: Research of the claims of harm and the causal theories
Reference No:- TGS01239632

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