
Research of the brand

Write a one-page brief, based on your own research of the brand. Use the template as an example.

Example: Product-Nalgene water bottles

1. What do we want to accomplish?

The main objective of the campaign will be to increase the use of water bottles by young people, showing them that Nalgene is the best option and the coolest by highlighting Nalgene's attributes.

2. Whom are we talking to?

Our target audience includes teenager and young adult students, aged 15 to 22. They know enough about advertising to not believe everything they hear. They don't have a lot of money, most working minimum wage jobs before and after school. They know a little about being green but their parents don't recycle or enforce any kind of green thinking so they're pretty much oblivious to the waste they create.

3. What do they think now?

Water bottles are annoying to carry around because they're big and clunky. Water bottle's also don't fit in car cup holders most of the time. They also complain that water bottle's often spill in their backpacks, ruining their schoolwork. The use of water bottles rather than bottled water doesn't register as a significant way to decrease waste. Most of all, our target audience does not differentiate between Nalgene and it's competitors. Water bottles are so far off their radar that they're all the same.

4. What do we want them to think?

We want our target audience to think that Nalgene's are cool and can be an accessory. Also that being green and not using bottled water shows you care about the planet, which further shows that you're a good person. Also we want to point out that ultimately, buying a Nalgene is cheaper than continually buying bottle water. Hopefully we can instill a brand image into their minds-that Nalgene is the cool, edgy, self-expressive water bottle option.

5. Why should they think this?

They should think that Nalgene's are cool and can be an accessory because they can! Nalgene's come in a variety of different colors. The target audience can express themselves through their chosen color or their mix match of colors between the bottle and the lid. Also, they can further accessorize their Nalgene with stickers they find at stores, concerts, events they care about, etc. Nalgene's will be presented in a very fun and edgy way to connect with our young audience. This in turn will influence their buying and drinking habits. We want them to realize the importance and possibility of staying hydrated while waste free.

6. What is our message?

Using a Nalgene is cool because you can express yourself through its color and also show that you care about the planet.

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Other Subject: Research of the brand
Reference No:- TGS0670714

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