
Research methods and project design - proposal form design

Effectiveness of Banking information system in Bank Muscat

Learning Outcomes covered:

1. Design and implement an effective project proposal relating to business and information systems.

2. Critically review existing academic literature relevant to an area of research.

3. Appraise the different research techniques and tools.

4. Evaluate, assess and choose research methods.

Task 1:

Mini Project work proposal submission (10 marks) Submit a work proposal for the Mini Project by the end of week 12, which must include:

- Understanding of deliverables - a detailed description of deliverables covering the general overview of proposed plan for mini project - initial understanding of solution to all the tasks

- Timeline of action plan
You must submit the mini project work proposal in the form of word document in Moodle.

Task 2.

Submit a mini project based on the "project proposal" in week 14 which must include:

- Detailed Literature review
o Engage with reading literature from multiple resources such as text books and internet. Critically review the existing academic literature pertaining to the area of research chosen.
- Initial design
o Prepare an initial design matching with your research problem. This should include the modules / functionalities that are planned to be implemented in the application
- Research methodology
o Prepare a detailed evaluation of the different research techniques, tools and assess research methods chosen for your research work.
- References
o Prepare the references using Harvard referencing style.

- Documentation
o Prepare a document describing all Tasks above.


In this assignment I have chosen bank Muscat to be my organization in this particular project. bank Muscat is running monetary services in Oman with a strong presence in Retail Banking, Islamic Banking, Corporate Banking, Private Banking, Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Treasury. Bank Muscat a very large network of 149 branches, 645 ATMs & CDMs and more than 10,000 PoS terminals.

Banking information system is a group of operational network of the organizations that provides financial services inside a county. These organizations are responsible for taking deposits, functioning a payment system, helping with investments and providing loans. Banking Information systems nowadays have become the courage of most institutes. Without the support of information systems banks may not be able to process payments, governments can not collect taxes and hospitals could not treat patients.

I have choose banking information system because it is one of the common systems which is used widely in the organization. Also one of my reasons of choosing banking information system because I am an accountant student. I have choose bank Muscat to be my assignment organization since I have a bank account there and they have a branch near to my home.

Project Aims

This project aims to evaluate the current banking information system in bank Muscat. also, to discuss the effectiveness of using banking information system in bank Muscat and how it facilitates the operations within the bank.

This project is all about research and evolution to enhance the proses in bank which may lead to increase the profitability of the bank or reduce the time taken during a particular function.

Literature Review

banking information system in Libyan:

The banking information system can be abstracted as a set of organized procedures, records, documents and reports for the delivery of essential records in a time way. Accounting is itself an information system that is a communicative process that stores, collects and distributes information to those who need it. the system contains interconnected sub-systems and all of them object to attain a set of purposes. Banking information system can be considered as one of system components within a group of information systems. Similarly, within an organization like a bank, where financial operations are the essential of the business, the banking information system may be taken as the core system. (Sharkasi, 2011)

banking information system in Qatar:

businesses and Users have a broad choice of local and international banks to operate their needs of everyone. Qatar's banks offer a broad variety of services that include overdrafts, loans, current and savings accounts, credit cards and so much other. Furthermore, to these traditional functions, Qatar's banks provides advanced electronic banking services including an extensive ATM network that eases usefulness of bill payments. (Qatar, 2016)

Banking information system is a systems in a online mode which delivered by means of PIE technology application depending in the foundation of the retail payments system and successfully affected in the common of other CMA's program products. (oman, 2016)

Banking information system has enhanced the customer experience by making a one-touch customer identification and transaction authentication process that is saves time, more suitable and less risk which is eventually in line with the e-governance initiative of the government. (mayhew, 2015)


1. What is the type of information system the bank is using?

2. Who is authorized to use the system?

3. What are the functions of the system?

4. What section needs improvement?

5. How the system will facilitate the running of operations?

6. How the system will increase the profitability of the bank?


This research is going to be done by several steps:

Step one:
Clearly understand the project requirement and the time given to finish the project.

Step tow:
Gathering the needed information or any information that will be helpful in my research and this information can be find from the internet, magazines, newspaper, bank employees, questioner, surveys etc.

The project objectives are:
- To enhance the efficiency and productivity of the work done and raise the profitability.
- To study the effectiveness of the banking information system in the organization.Objective: This is an individual assignment aimed to give students the experience to design and implement a mini project based on their project proposal. Mini project is to check the students' ability to design and implement an effective project proposal relating to business and information systems. This will help students to achieve all learning outcomes.

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HR Management: Research methods and project design - proposal form design
Reference No:- TGS02141540

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