
Research methodologies - report structure for research

Research Methodologies - Report Structure for Research Design Proposal (2000 words)

Research Title

1. A Background to the Research Proposal (700 words approximately)

Set the scene for the research proposal with historical perspective as well as contemporary interest.

1.1 Background of the industry or company
1.2 Problem or issue identified and the boundaries of the research
1.3 Significance and Rationale of the Research
1.4 Research Questions
   1.4.1 Main Research Question
   1.4.2 Specific Research Questions
1.5 Research Objectives and Conceptual Framework
  1.5.1 Research Objectives
  1.5.2 What to be measured and how?
Conceptual Framework 1---> External Analysis (Primary Data) SAMPLE STRUCURE FOR THE
Conceptual Framework 2--->Internal Analysis (Primary Data) CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
Conceptual Framework3 --->External Analysis (Secondary Data)

2. Research Methodology - philosophy, reasoning, design (800 words approximately)

2.1 Description of the research design
  2.1.1 Deductive or Inductive
  2.1.2 Exploratory or Conclusive
2.2 Research Strategy
Survey/Experimental/Case Studies/Action/Archival
2.3 Research Instruments
Questionnaire, Interview, Focus group discussion, Observation

Research Instruments and Pilot Assessment:

Personal questionnaires with 5 point Likert scale with the intention of improving accuracy of analysis together converting qualitative data to quantitative outcomes.

It is important to conduct a pilot assessment to detect weaknesses of the design and also to identify the usage of research instruments, with the intention of minimizing the research inconsistency.

2.4 Sampling Plan
   2.4.1 Target population of the research
- Population A
- Population B
- Population C
   2.4.2 Determining sample size
n = N/1+Ne2
n= Sample size
N=Total population
e=Sample error

2.4.3 Sampling plan A
2.4.4 Sampling plan B

2.5 Data Types and Data Collection Methods
2.5.1 Sources of data required
- Primary and Secondary
- Quantitative and Qualitative

2.5.2 Research strategies for data collection
- Strategy 1 (Framework 1) --->Survey Research - Questionnaires, Personal Interviews
-Strategy 2 (Framework 2) ---> Survey Research - Questionnaires, Depth Interviews, Primary Data
                                                                                Focus Group Discussions
-Strategy 3 (Framework 3) -->Archive Research Secondary Data

Better to use Likert Scale questionnaires with the intention of improving accuracy of analysis together with expectation of converting qualitative data to quantitative outcomes.

3. Research Proposal- Research Design and Data Analysis (30% marks 500 words approximately)

3.1 Conceptual table and analysis of data

3.2 Analysis tools
MS Excel, SPSS, ATLAS.ti, QDA Miner, NVivo

3.3 Ethical Issues

3.4 Timeline and Gantt chart

3.4.1Time schedule
3.4.2 The Gantt chart
3.5 Expected Research Outcomes
3.5.1 Expected primary outcome and other significant outcomes
3.5.2 Research barriers and limitations
*Obtain feedbacks from overall populations
*Accuracy concern of feedbacks
*Dependency on third party secondary data

Research Methodologies - Report Structure for Research Evidence Review (Literature and evidence sources) (2000 words)

1. Introduction (300 words approximately)
1.1 The domain.
1.2 The rationale for the chosen topic.
1.3 Research questions.
1.4 Research objectives.

2. The Main Body (1000 words approximately)

The main body of the literature review should focus relevant models, concepts, theories, frameworks and articles published within the research domain and provide authors critique (how far agree or disagree with the model, theory or article) with insightful views.

3. Conclusion (700 words approximately)

The clear concluding statement should focus the overall perception regarding the literature review that discussed and any new emergent themes that author has been discovered with a clear implication for further research.

4. References

5. Bibliography

6. Appendices

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Reference No:- TGS02661390

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