
Research information on high-performance organizations and


A strategic goal of any healthcare organization is the quality performance of the employees. The Institute of Medicine (1998) created the most accepted definition of quality in the healthcare industry: patient services current with scientific knowledge that result in a desired health outcome.

Research information on high-performance organizations and provide 5 strategic methods that could be used to improve employee productivity in the healthcare organization, impacting quality.

Thread must be at least 650 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each thread must include a biblical integration and at least 2 peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format in addition to the text


Write a Post of 350-400-word reply to each Discussion, include a biblical integration and at least 2 peer-reviewed source citations in current APA format in addition to the text.

Discussion #1

Employee productivity and engagement should be at the helm for a healthcare organization to ensure continued quality is the bottom line throughout their institution. As the interaction and time spent building the employee productivity area of the organization spills over to quality and the end user.

Employee productivity can be ensured by having the correct managers in place and utilizing knowledge level systems. Employee productivity and employee performance should be monitored so that the intended organizational goal is met. "Continuously it should be emphasized that employee performance evaluation is directly linked with the strategy of the organization" (Grigoroudis & Zopounidis, 2012)

Maintaining knowledge-level systems directly "support the knowledge and data workers in an organization" which in turns allows information flow and best efficient practices to be completed by the entire staff where the end user the patient and patients families receive continued quality. (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011, p. 382)

Additionally applying expert-based knowledge and information from outside of the health care organization inserts a layered perspective to the healthcare discipline from expertise personnel which in turn is a tool for healthcare providers and executives. (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011)

The knowledge learned can be applied to clinical and administrative decision making ensuring competency and latest techniques and procedures knowledge base is located right inside their organization which trickles to the employees. (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011)

In essence the expert-based knowledge works like a pump from knowledge flow. Flowing from the top of hierarchy and ending with the patients. The recognized knowledge begins from the health care providers and executives leading to the capable managers in place following to the staff that produce and complete the recognized effort. With the patient benefiting in quality from the knowledge obtained from all.

Aligning employee productivity and performance with the goal and strategies of what the organization stands for is important for quality advancement and organizational longevity. Championing forward improvement and dedication to employee productivity and efficiency is achieved by middle managers "Who influence and attract intellectual capital and knowledge management which increases employee motivation, performance and organizational commitment" (Valentina, 2014, p.190)

Follow on management-level systems can be instated to help develop and maintain middle managers competency and decision-making skills in areas "Beyond the scope typical reporting information and incorporating rules to in-depth understanding of the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics" of potential and current employees (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011, p. 383)

Biblical Integration can be applied to the framework of individuals working towards improvement and doing something productive with what one has been giving and not letting it go to waste.

Matthew 25: 16-18 writes about talents and three men who did something different with the talents entrusted into them "He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money" (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 2016)


Grigoroudis, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2012). Developing an employee evaluation management system: The case of a healthcare organization. Operational Research, 12(1), 83-106.

Pynes, J. E., & Lombardi, D. N. (2011). Human resources management for health care organizations: A strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9780470873557.

Valentina, N. (2014), The impact of HR managers' roles on implementing best HR practices and attracting and retaining best employees. Management & Marketing, 12 (2) 190-204.

Discussion #2

Improving the performance of an organization by finding strategic methods to enhance this is the ultimate goal of any health care facility. Over years, methods have been improved by human resource management through the use of technology.

As technology has increased, information technology has been beneficial for the organization of systems. "Information technology is being used not only to automate routine tasks, but also increasingly to restructure and integrate procedures and programs for delivery systems," (Pynes and Lombardi, 2011, p.378).

These information systems will help with productivity and flow of health care data information within a health care system. It is up to human resources staff to make decisions and implement services that will provide effective measures for the organization. In order for employees and technology to combine well, factors need to be considered. Integrating these two variables to ensure high-performance quality can be complex.

For information systems to work, human resources management can consider "conducting job and work flow analyses, recruiting and selecting qualified people, and providing training and retraining so that employees are knowledgeable about and comfortable with technology," (Pynes et al., 2011, p.387-388).

Linking high performance quality and work environments to customer satisfaction is a means to enhancing the performance entity of the organization. Research suggests three observations to that are linked high performance quality work. First, employees believe they can provide better quality work when there is access to the use of high performance work systems (HPWS).

Second, if patients perceive happiness with the services they rendered, employees feel as if they provided high-quality services. Third, overall satisfaction of a health care organization come from the quality of all services, (Scotti, Harmon, & Behson, 2007). Specific management practices aid and contribute to the high-performance work systems.

Relational coordination and the implementation of team building practices are a couple of ways that management can contribute to these systems. Management practices "function as engines that propel the evolution of a work environment in which the perceptions of employees are aligned with the service experiences they provide to patients and translate into enhanced patient satisfaction, (Scotti et al., 2007, p.119).

Implementing strategies in health care organizations, new or reconstructed strategies, are considered to be effective measures. They require human resources appraisal of these methods, training of staff and employees, and the practice of teamwork.

These three principles will provide a solid foundation for high performance work practices that prove offer high quality services. Some methods to ensure this effectiveness are: "management support; financial resource availability; implementation of policies and practices; innovation-values fit; presence of a champion," (McAlearney, Robbins, Garman, Song, & McVey, 2013, p.454).

Management support comes from the dedication and leadership of management teams to transform the organization for better. Financial resource availability, both monetary and human resources, are needed to support major changes within an organization. Management can implement policies and practices by standardizing systematic best practices.

Innovation-values fit is used to provide strategies that are consistent with the values of the organization, while focusing on the culture, and making changes as necessary. Presence of a champion suggests which individuals are present within an organization that are willing to go above and beyond to make the changes. All of the strategies will help improve the performance of an organization.

The ultimate value to remember when implementing strategies is: the satisfaction of patients will lead to greater economic returns on investment for an organization. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven," (Matthew 5:6, NIV).


McAlearney, A. S., ScD., Robbins, J., PhD., Garman, A. N., PsyD., Song, P. H., PhD., & McVey, L. A. (2013). Implementing high-performance work practices in healthcare organizations: Qualitative and conceptual Evidence/PRACTITIONER APPLICATION. Journal of Healthcare Management, 58(6), 446-62; discussion 463-4.

Pynes, J. E., & Lombardi, D. N. (2011). Human resources management for health care organizations: A strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9780470873557.

Scotti, D. J., Harmon, J., & Behson, S. J. (2007). Links among high-performance work environment, service quality, and customer satisfaction: An extension to the healthcare sector. Journal of Healthcare Management / American College of Healthcare Executives, 52(2), 109.

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