
Research idea which would be first step in the research


Chosen business research topic & its significance

The research topic I have chosen is -Tourism in Bangladesh from Sydney^. The reason behind choosing this topic is to signify the importance of Bangladesh as a tourist destination and to understand the perceptions of the people in Sydney as to what idea they have about Bangladesh. Bangladesh. one of the developing economics in today's world has lot to offer in terms of touristic value and lacks proper advertising for the same. The average number of tourist arrivals in Bangladesh is around 125,000 people (World Bank. 2015), signifying substantial potential to increase the influx of tourists.

Not many people know that Bangladesh is a place that boasts tourist attractions like Parharpur Buddist Vihara, Mainamati, Kantajcw temple, Shako' Vihara, Mahastangrah. Lalbagh fon amongst the archeological wonders. Besides this, the Sunderbans and the royal Bengal tigers are a sight that one should never miss. Besides the above, the Nafakhum walrefalls. Rijuk waterfalls. Shoilo Propat waterfalls are scenic beauties. The culture of Bangladesh is rich which is evident from the celebration of Pahela Balsa!), Dubla Rash Mela, Shakrain Festival, Fair of Adinath signifying the importance of all the religions and people living in Bangladesh (Bangladesh Tourism. 2016).

The main problems that Bangladesh tourism is facing in lack of touristy image and brand value, unlike other developing nations. However, with an increase in the number of people travelling the world (Pestana. 2011), the decrease in the travel costs and increase in their purchasing parity. Tourism is growing to be one of the fastest revenue generating industry.

Research has revealed that the brand image of a particular country is one of the deciding factors that would attract tourists (Laws 2002). Tourist flocking low profile countries like Bangladesh have been limited due to this very reason. The reason behind the lack of knowledge and the public perceptions from Sydney would be the need for the study.

The Problem Statement would therefore be - The revenue derived from tourism, one of the fastest growing industries make a significant growth to the economy. Bangladesh tourism suffers the lack of image due to improper means of communication chosen.

- Research Question for the identified opportunity/risk

The research questions identified for the problems arc "Analysis of the relationship between the brand of Bangladesh tourism from the public perceptions in Sydney". This research question is designed in such a way that both the positive and the negative brand image of tourism in Bangladesh would be revealed and which in turn would aid in the development of a marketing program to increase the number of tourists.

Research process

This particular research would be phased into three phases.

Phase one: Research idea, which would be first step in the research. Firstly, this would involve finding an area of interest and then conducting a brief literature review on the same. Next, it involves breaking down the aim of the research into primary and secondary objectives and decide on the most important factor. It also involves framing a research question, the need for this research and a problem statement that this particular research would look to overcome. Finally, this would be translated into a Hypothesis statement.

Phase Two: Research Design where the appropriate research design would be picked. In this case a descriptive design was chosen. Once design was chosen, the dependent and independent variable identified and listed. Also, the process for undertaking the research whether it would be via personal interviews or questionnaires or through online survey is to be determined. Finally based on the cost and the resource constraints an appropriate sample size is to be picked that would form a reliable estimate of the population.

Phase three: Data collection - Once phase two is complete, approval from the guide would be sought for an authorization letter to collect data on campus. Also. the proper collection and storage of data should be thought out so that missing data problems and skewing data could be avoided.

Phase four: Analysis of Data: All the collected data would be initially screened to eliminate skewed and incomplete data forms. The same would be fed into the systems to analyze the data using software and results published.

Phase five: Using the analysis put forth recommendations and conclusions.

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Essay Writing: Research idea which would be first step in the research
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