
Research has been done on the theory and correlation of

1. In 2012, the Obama Administration put forth the Consumer's Privacy Bill of Rights as a roadmap for future legislation. Compare and contrast this plan with existing legislation. In a thoroughly research response, respond to the validity of its implementation in society today.

2. Research has been done on the theory and correlation of emotional intelligence (EI) related to organizational success and long-term sustainability of a manager/leader in his or her career. Many leadership/management experts argue that successful manager/leaders demonstrate a sophistication of EI that differs vastly from those managers/leaders who eventually fall and fail their organizations. Some of the key factors of EI include self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, confidence, self-motivation, empathy, social deftness, trustworthiness, adaptability, and a talent for collaboration. Effective managers/leaders are very successful at articulating their missions and visions for their organizations and know how to bring everyone on board to accomplish them. Compare and contrast the "transformational" manager/leader with the "transactional" manager/leader. Who do you think can better take the pulse of a group, understand its unspoken currents of thought and concerns, and communicate with people in terms they can understand and embrace?

3. There is a debate in marketing on the question of whether or not marketing creates or satisfies consumer's needs. Marketing has often been defined in terms of satisfying customer's wants and needs and some critics maintain that marketing goes beyond that and creates needs and wants that did not exist before. According to these critics, marketers encourage consumers to spend more money than they should on goods and services they really do not need. Consider the broad shifts in marketing. Are there any themes that emerge in these shifts? Can they be related to the major societal forces? Which force has contributed to which shift.

4. Every organization, irrespective of its size or ownership pattern, has to manage its finances. The overall objectives of an organization cannot be achieved in the absence of financial management. Many organizations fail in their objectives because of financial mismanagement and this failure rate is quite high among the small business enterprises. Hence, financial management is vital for all types of organizations, profit making as well as non-profit making. In case of non-profit making organizations also the effectiveness and performance depends on their financial resources management. Explain how you would attempt to analyze the financial functions of an organization, what key areas should be analyzed and what would be your critical recommendations to establish sound financial controls?

Must follow these must be 4 to 5 pages no more than 5. Must be in APA 6th edition format. Per question.

You will need to do an in-depth literary search on the topic in order to create a fully-developed response. You will need to include in-text citations and a references list for external references used in supporting your points for this question. You should have no fewer than 7 references for your response to this particular question, 4 of which must be from peer-reviewed sources. Use APA formatting where appropriate.

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Business Management: Research has been done on the theory and correlation of
Reference No:- TGS01737680

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