
Research for the history of social media


Research for the topic ( The history of social media and the big impact for it )

1- Research and write a paper on a topic that you find interesting. The purpose of the paper is to provide you, the student, with an opportunity to examine a moment in history in greater depth. The paper is to be a summary of your research and an analysis of the historical significance of your topic. Include why you selected this topic for your paper. The selection of topics is almost endless, so be creative and select something that is meaningful.

2-Create and present a roundtable for members of your group that highlights your research and engages your group members in your discussion.

- At least two references for your paper must come from refereed sources (e.g., books, journal articles, etc.,). Other resources might include textbooks, popular literature, newspaper, and magazine articles. A minimum of 4 resources is recommended.

All papers must be typed, double-spaced and have 1 inch margins. Papers should be 5 pages in length not including references and appendices.

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History: Research for the history of social media
Reference No:- TGS01948177

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