
Research discussion forum the culture of accounting - what

Assignment - Select 5 of the topics - Each topic chosen must be approx 500 words (2500 words total).

1. Research Discussion Forum: Accounting Stereotypes -

There are a range of accounting stereotypes relevant to the profession.

These include appearance and personality stereotypes. Please choose one of the these stereotypes (such as: accountants are boring; accountants are conservative or pessimistic - there are many others).

Evaluate why this stereotype has become attached to accounting and why this stereotype is relevant or persists in the profession.

2. Research Discussion Forum: The Partiality of Accounting

Here are two quotes from Hines. Choose one of them and reflect on what that might mean for accounting practice and what that might mean in relation to your previous learning in accounting:

a) 'History creates past reality for us. The past is always being reinterpreted' (Hines, 1988, p. 253).

b) 'The fence does not designate the organization. We do that. We designate it, by deciding what things will be part of the organization ...' (Hines, 1988, p. 253).

3. Research Discussion Forum: The Culture of Accounting

Please reconsider the quote by Catlett (1960, p. 44):

"Accounting has been created and developed to accomplish various desired objectives and, therefore, it is not based on fundamental laws or absolute precepts"

Choose to respond to one of the following questions:

a) What does the quote mean to you and how does that relate to how you have previously understood accounting?

b) What is the impact of the culture of accounting?

c) We are often told that in accounting there is one 'truth', but this quote suggests that there are 'truths in accounting'. What is the impact of that for accounting practice?

4. Research Discussion Forum: Reporting on Social and Environmental Accounting

We have discussed much about the issues of sustainability, corporate social responsibility and the interface with business and the economic system of capitalism.

I have a set of questions for you. Please respond to one:

a) The Corporation documentary suggests that businesses are 'externalizing machines'. What does that mean to you? Does it concern you when it comes to businesses self reporting on CSR or sustainability activities? If CSR or sustainability is about organisations taking responsibility, should we 'trust' what organizations disclose to us?

b) Are there any business practices or philosophies in our South East Asian neighbours that Western businesses could adopt or learn that would lead advanced economy businesses more towards sustainability?

c) Discuss whether, in your opinion, business can be sustainable? How? How are you defining sustainability?

5. Research Discussion Forum: Enron, Accounting and Failure

In this module, we examine the interrelationship between accounting techniques and their use by different organisations. Our focus this week is Enron. You may wish to watch the California chapter from the linked Enron movie in the Modules section before answering these questions.

a) What accounting techniques were employed by Enron in the California Energy Crisis? What lessons can we learn from this?

b) Who benefits and who suffers as a result of Enron's actions?

c) Why was Enron focused on the short-term? How does this relate to Hines' (1988)? Could Enron be an example of stretching the truth too far?

d) Evaluate the similarities between Enron and the Ford Pinto case?

6. Research Discussion Forum: Starbucks, Accounting and Tax Minimisation/Avoidance

In this class, we examine the interrelationship between accounting techniques and their use by different organisations:

a) What accounting techniques were employed by Starbucks in relation to minimising taxation? Media commentators suggest these were literally impossible for the public to understand - do you agree?

b) The Australian Government has made a concerted effort to tax income earned in Australia by multi-nationals. I believe this is more rhetorical than real - are there any similarities in language between Starbucks and the Australian Government? If so, what are they and why does that matter?

c) What lessons can we learn from Starbucks? Who benefits and who suffers as a result of Starbucks' actions?

7. Research Discussion Forum: The GFC and Accounting

The GFC is a complex event and we are still, in some ways, suffering consequences from it. Some are concerned that we have learnt little from the GFC and conditions for another GFC continue to build.

a) Evaluate fair value accounting. What do some commentators support GFC, but others are concerned about it?

b) What was the role of rating's agencies in the GFC? How is the role of ratings agents different or similar to audit?

c) Do you believe there is an ethical issue when you sell a product to customers, while at the same time taking insurance against that product failing? You may wish to watch the section from Inside Job on responses of banks to the Congressional Inquiry before answering this question?

8. Research Discussion Forum: Accounting for the GFC

To conclude our conversations about the GFC, please consider these questions:

a) Why did the GFC have a global impact?

b) There is long history of significant corporate failures and accounting seems to be implicated in those failures. . However, the public seems to forget fairly quickly about the risks associated with accounting. In your opinion, why is it that the public forget?

c) In early 2018, President Trump repealed the Dodd-Frank Act, which was the only substantive legal change post the GFC. Thus, there is no effective legal/regulatory change post GFC. Does this concern you? If yes, why? If no, why not?

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Dissertation: Research discussion forum the culture of accounting - what
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