
Research discuss and identify how globalization impacts

Research, discuss and identify how 'globalization' impacts business today, and what international managers must know to stay ahead of the game. Identify and discuss how outsourcing and off shoring contribute to globalization using a company case study to identify the challenges, opportunities and problems that globalization presents

(2500 word report - excludes Executive Summary and Appendices )

Company: Apple inc

1) Executive summary (1 page)

2) Introduction (400 words)

3) Main body (2000)

1. Company history and background

2. Why did it go global

3. What to know to stay about of the game.(Political/cultural/technological/terrorism global competition)  (i.e. global risks

4. Analyse sources & complete advantage of Apple when going global

4.1. SWOT - Resources & capabilities

4.2. What outsourcing partner? why choose that partner ?

4.3. Is it (Outsourcing strategy) effective ?

5. IT advancement helps Apple

4) Conclusion (100 words)

5) Reference (5-15)

6) Appendix (Max 4 pages)

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Business Management: Research discuss and identify how globalization impacts
Reference No:- TGS02861348

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