
Research different data sources and discover the

Assignment Purpose:

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and explain data sources

Assignment Description

Scenario: You are currently the HIM Director for a large hospital system. You have been asked by the Human Resource department to do presentation during one of the monthly lunch and learn sessions. The lunch and learn sessions are open to anyone who would like to attend (employees and public). You have been asked to do the presentation on data sources.

Research different data sources and discover the differences between primary and secondary data sources.

Create 3 to 5 minute voice over presentation. In your presentation identify and explain at least 3 primary data sources and 3 secondary data sources. Be sure to focus on Healthcare data sources

Your Power Point should: 1. Be 3 to 5 minutes in length.

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Business Management: Research different data sources and discover the
Reference No:- TGS02514539

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