
Research designs that include selecting participants from

Question 1: Concerns related to counseling research include ALL BUT WHICH of the following?

A. As a profession, counselors are paying increasing attention to the efficacy of practice

B. Counseling journals sponsored by ACA divisions are lacking in manuscript submissions

C. Changes in funding requirements make research necessary

D. Managed care requires counselors to examine treatment practices

Question 2: The Scientist-Practitioner model

A. Focuses on the objective assessment of data only

B. Focuses on the subjective experience of counseling only

C. Provides direction for developing evidenced based treatment practices

D. None of the above are true regarding the Scientist-Practitioner model

Question 3: The Scientist-Practitioner model was formulated as a way to

A. Integrate research and therapy

B. Redefine the helping professions

C. Increase PhD's in counseling

D. Integrate qualitative and quantitative practices

Question 4: A best practice approach to counseling

A. Includes methods clearly outlined in the ACA Code of Ethics

B. Requires advanced training in research and statistics

C. Integrates clinical experience and empirically validated treatment approaches

D. Is a myth, no one can achieve best practice

Question 5: The Scientist-Practitioner model proposes three roles for the practicing counselor. They include ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. Producers of new data

B. Manuscript authors or co-authors

C. Consumers of research

D. Evaluators of effective therapy

Question 6: ALL BUT WHICH of the following are basic components of research

A. Research question

B. Hypothesis

C. Variables


Question 7: Guiding the direction of the research, which of the following defines the relationship between what you want to know and how you intend to discover this knowledge through research?

A. Hypothesis

B. Research question

C. Variables of interest

D. Research design

Question 8: An inference or speculation that is indicative of the researcher's best estimation of the projected results of the research is the

A. Hypothesis

B. Research question

C. Variables of interest

D. Research design

Question 9: Which of the following defines characteristics with more than one attribute or value that can be observed or manipulated

A. Hypothesis

B. Research question

C. Variables of interest

D. Research design

Question 10: Researchers wishing to study categorical variables would use which research design?

A. Quantitative

B. Qualitative

C. Phenomenological

D. Narrative

Question 11: When a researcher is interested in linking or making an association between two or more phenomena, the design that should be used is

A. Descriptive

B. Experimental

C. Relational

D. Phenomenological

Question 12: Researchers wishing to study characteristics of a particular group of people need to consider

A. Sample size

B. Total population

C. Generalizability

D. All of the above

E. a & c only

Question 13: Characteristics of quality research include ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. A focus on a small slice of a large problem

B. Being limited in scope

C. Broad research questions in order to maximize generalizability

D. Clearly defined research problem

Question 14: Which of the following is true regarding research questions

A. It is a statement of the problem and its significance

B. They can be in declarative or question form

C. It must be specific in focus and intention

D. All of the above are true regarding research questions

Question 15: Which of the following is true regarding the hypothesis

A. It is a tentative or potential answer to the proposed research questions

B. It can be formulate before or after data collection

C. It can be in declarative or question form

D. All of the above are true regarding the hypothesis

Question 16: Research designs that include selecting participants from identified subgroups within the total population employ

A. Systemic sampling

B. Stratified sampling

C. Random sampling

D. Convenience sampling

Question 17: One of the primary applications of counseling research is

A. Controlling cognitive distortions

B. Improving mood

C. Smoking cessation

D. Improving/controlling behavior

Question 18: Ethical research requires that

A. The researcher be competent to design, plan, and implement research

B. Researchers receive training beyond master's

C. Participants be compensated for their efforts

D. Data be published

Question 19: Sources that use an extensive review process are generally

A. Web based

B. Scholarly journals

C. Government documents

D. Not available to counselors

Question 20: When a reviewer is unaware of the authorship of the manuscript under consideration, it is known as


B. Blind review

C. Scholarly review

D. Hidden review

Question 21: A primary reason for utilizing scholarly articles in a literature review is

A. Reliability of information

B. They are more accessible

C. Maintaining journal subscription rates

D. None of the above are reasons for utilizing scholarly articles

Question 22: A piece of work that is considered the original report of research providing firsthand information or is the first published account is known as a

A. Scholarly journal

B. Database

C. Primary source

D. Secondary source

Question 23: An overview of a study that does not go into the methodology in depth is known as a

A. Scholarly journal

B. Database

C. Primary source

D. Secondary source

Question 24: The APA style manual directs researchers in ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. Data analysis methods

B. Grammar and syntax

C. Language bias

D. References

Question 25: The use of headings in scholarly writing

A. Establish the hierarchy of sections

B. Help to orient the reader

C. Create a structure and flow to the points being made

D. All of the above

Question 26: Important considerations in the development of a methodological plan include ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. Funding source

B. Variable selection

C. Population sampling

D. Bias reduction

Question 27: Variables such as height, weight, and test score are considered

A. Categorical

B. Numerical

C. Constants

D. Qualitative

Question 28: Variables such as religion and sexual orientation are considered

A. Categorical

B. Numerical

C. Quantitative

D. Constants

Question 29: When studying the effect of maternal alcohol use and disruptive behavior in children, the child's disruptive behavior is considered

A. The independent variable

B. The dependent variable

C. Unrelated to maternal alcohol use

D. Qualitative data

Question 30: When studying the effect of maternal alcohol use and disruptive behavior in children, maternal alcohol use is likely

A. A manipulated variable

B. Unrelated to the child's disruptive behavior

C. Controlled by the researcher

D. A selected variable

Question 31: The extent to which the independent variable truly effects the change in the dependent variable is known as

A. External validity

B. Internal validity

C. Construct validity

D. Content validity

Question 32: The extent to which a study can be generalized to other settings and populations is

A. External validity

B. Internal validity

C. Construct validity

D. Content validity

Question 33: Survey research is generally conducted for ALL BUT WHICH of the following purposes

A. To identify problems or concerns

B. To make comparisons or evaluations

C. To support current practices

D. To capture the lived experience of participants

Question 34: When a researcher surveys parents of a group of ten infants who enter into an early intervention program at two months and then again upon their exit from the program at age 5, the method is known as

A. Trend

B. Cohort

C. Panel

D. Cross-sectional

Question 35: A community counseling program coordinator in a CACREP master's program surveys graduating students annually regarding program perceptions. This is most closely aligned with which survey research design?

A. Trend

B. Cohort

C. Panel

D. Cross-sectional

Question 36: A school counselor conducts a health and wellness needs assessment of her students. She is likely employing which survey research design?

A. Trend

B. Cohort

C. Panel

D. Cross-sectional

Question 37: ALL BUT WHICH of the following are advantages to electronic surveys over pencil and paper surveys

A. Completed surveys are automatically stored in electronic format

B. Survey data is automatically analyzed for the researcher

C. Access to larger as well as more culturally diverse samples

D. Ease and speed of administration

Question 38: Common misconceptions about time-series design include ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. Only used to evaluate behavior modification techniques

B. The easiest of all design methods

C. Does not permit causal conclusions

D. Does not allow one to draw conclusion about generalizations

Question 39: The three guiding principles of time series design are

A. Rate, duration, latency

B. N-of-one, case studies, intensive

C. Prediction, verification, replication

D. Intention, omissions, validation

Question 40: Level, trend, and variability are _______________ in time-series designs

A. Data patterns

B. Graphs

C. Captions

D. Behaviors

Question 41: There are multiple motives for conducting program evaluation. Of the following, which is the primary reason for conducting program evaluation?

A. Managed care has significantly reduced the amount of time clients can be in services

B. It is ethically responsible for best practice in counseling

C. Provides evidence for new or continued funding sources

D. Counselors are afforded research and publication opportunities

Question 42: Which of the following is true?

A. Outcome evaluation is concerned with changes that occurred in participants

B. Process evaluation focuses on making value judgments about the totality of the program

C. Outcome evaluation is concerned with delivery of the program

D. Process evaluation is concerned with changes that occurred in participants

Question 43: The starting point for any program evaluation is

A. Developing a research instrument

B. Collecting data

C. Talking with stakeholders about their perceptions

D. Determining needs based on the mission statement of the program

Question 44: Statistical analyses are included in which section of the research report?

A. Introduction

B. Methods

C. Results

D. Discussion

Question 45: The section most appropriate for drawing conclusions between the current study and existing research is

A. Introduction

B. Methods

C. Results

D. Discussion

Question 46: The section often referred to as the "how to" component of the research report is

A. Introduction

B. Methods

C. Results

D. Discussion

Question 47: An event which involved extreme medical experiments which tormented patients to death in the name of science was

A. Nazi Medical War Crimes

B. Tuskegee Syphilis study

C. Jewish Chronic Disease hospital study

D. Willowbrook study

Question 48: Researchers in which of the following examples did not inform participants they were being injected with cancer out of fear that is would frighten the participants and out of a belief that consent was not necessary

A. Nazi Medical War Crimes

B. Tuskegee Syphilis study

C. Jewish Chronic Disease hospital study

D. Willowbrook study

Question 49: One of the longest running unethical research projects known was

A. Nazi Medical War Crimes

B. Tuskegee Syphilis study

C. Jewish Chronic Disease hospital study

D. Willowbrook study

Question 50: Which of the following is not true about The Belmont Report

A. Was created by the National Commission for Research Ethics

B. Arose out of the legal implications of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

C. Is the cornerstone document of research ethics

D. All of the above are true

Question 51: Belmont Report principles include ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. Respect for persons

B. Beneficence

C. Justice

D. Veracity

Question 52: The Belmont principle that references the concepts that individuals should be treated as autonomous agents and provides protection for those with diminished autonomy is

A. Respect for persons

B. Beneficence

C. Justice

D. Veracity

Question 53: Questions related to who bears the burden of risks and who should receive the benefits of research fall under the principle of

A. Respect for persons

B. Beneficence

C. Justice

D. Veracity

Question 54: The quality or state of doing or producing good is known as

A. Respect for persons

B. Beneficence

C. Justice

D. Veracity

Question 55: The Institutional Review Board

A. Is typically comprised of a minimum of five members

B. Is charged with making decisions related to risks and benefits to participants

C. Determine appropriateness of informed consent

D. All of the above

Question 56: Studies which compare and contrast one cultural group with another are typically referred to as

A. Cultural research

B. Cross cultural research

C. Culturally sensitive research

D. Culturally relevant research

Question 57: Studies that examine within group differences are typically referred to as

A. Cultural research

B. Cross cultural research

C. Culturally sensitive research

D. Culturally relevant research

Question 58: Any research that is culturally sensitive and culturally relevant can be considered

A. Ethical research

B. Cross-cultural research

C. Multicultural research

D. Responsive research

Question 59: Benefits of counselors understanding and conducting research include ALL BUT WHICH of the following

A. Research informs practice

B. Conducting research allows the researcher to immediately implement findings

C. Engaging in research projects can lead to networking opportunities

D. All of the above are benefits to counselors

Question 60: Cross-cultural and cultural research

A. Validates and increases knowledge of diverse populations

B. Increases our ability to understand how various constructs are conceptualized in different cultures

C. Increases external validity of the study

D. Increases reliability of the study

E. All of the above are true about cross-cultural and cultural research

F. a, b, & c only

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Dissertation: Research designs that include selecting participants from
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