
Research design

You have been approached by a pharmaceutical company that has developed a new drug that is supposed to be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia. Before mass producing the drug they want to be sure that it is more effective than the drug they are currently producing. They have offered you an opportunity to pitch your design of a research study to determine the effectiveness of the new drug compared with the old one. The company will hire the person with the most effective research design.

To begin, create a PowerPoint presentation (refer to the PSY326 Research Design Template for formatting). Your presentation should be a minimum of four to five slides and it must include the following elements:

Compare and contrast the characteristics of non-experimental (descriptive and correlational) and experimental research designs.
Specify whether the aim of the implied research question is to describe, predict, or explain.
Choose a research design to evaluate the relative effectiveness of the two drugs.
Provide a brief overview of the study you would design.

Then, using Screenr.com, you will create a screencast of your presentation. Please include a title for your presentation in the description box when you publish your screencast. Refer to the Screenr.com instructions below for assistance.

The pharmaceutical company has limited your presentation time to 3 to 5 minutes, so you will need to incorporate as many characteristics of an effective speaker as you can within this timeframe. These characteristics may include, but are not limited to, humor, storytelling, facts only, pace, and volume. Since there is no video of the presenter (just the presentation itself), you will not have the benefit of body language, so be sure you create a convincing screencast.

Copy and paste the URL link to your screencast in your discussion forum response section. Your presentation must utilize at least two peer-reviewed sources, in addition to your textbook, cited in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. All sources used within the presentation must be cited properly within the slides and included on the required reference slide, which will be the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation. Due to the time limit of your presentation, you are not required to speak or read through the reference slide. However, you must include your reference list within the discussion post along with your screencast URL link and submit your PowerPoint presentation file via the Doc Sharing link located in the top right-hand corner of the course’s navigation (near the Gradebook icon).

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Taking on the role of the pharmaceutical company’s administrator, provide a substantive written response to at least two of your peers’ presentations. Discuss whether or not you agree with their idea for designing the study. If you disagree, explain what you feel would be a better approach and why. You may also comment specifically on the effectiveness of the presentation. In addition to responding to at least two other students’ presentations, it is recommended that you reply to at least one of those who responded to your original presentation either respectfully defending your choice of research design or listing how you might implement the changes your classmate suggested.

Using Screenr.com

Review the Screenr Quick-Start Guide and visit the Screenr.com website to get started. You may view the Screenr demonstration video or contact Screenr Help directly for assistance using the software program.

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Other Subject: Research design
Reference No:- TGS0868904

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