
Research current recruiting methods



Many recruitment strategies depend heavily upon Internet and social media sources, but for many situations non-web-based methods continue to play an important role. In this assignment, you are to research current recruiting methods and then analyze recruiting best practices. From your findings, compare and contrast at least three types of online sources with three types of non-web-based sources (career fairs, networking, etc.).

As a part of your comparisons, address the following for each method:

• Cost: What are the financial costs to the company? Which methods are most cost effective?

• Timeliness: How much time is required to find a candidate?

• Effectiveness: For the time and costs spent, which methods will produce the best candidates? Some methods will generate a large number of applicants, but it is only helpful if the applicants are actually qualified for the position.

After your initial post, discuss the following:

• No one method will work in all situations. Which sources are more useful for various job functions, job levels, and/or geographic locations? Provide examples to support your answer.

• There are often times when it is advantageous for both small and large companies to recruit using an external recruiting agency. Provide an example of when this might be the case.

Write your initial response in 300 to 500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Do the following when responding to your peers:

• Read your peers' answers.

• Provide substantive comments by

o contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;

o building on the remarks or questions of others; or

o sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences

• Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.

• Make sure your writing

o is clear, concise, and organized;

o demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and

o displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Financial Management: Research current recruiting methods
Reference No:- TGS01855911

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