
Research company modifying operations to attract millennials

Problem: You are preparing a submission based on the discussion requirements which is a combination of impact study and recommendation paper. You will want to organize the paper into sections stating the background and purpose of the paper, followed by your analysis, the impacts of millennials, and recommendations to attract millennials.  Look for peer-reviewed journal articles to supplement any business articles you plan to use.  State the impact or potential impact millennials are having on the industry you chose, and provide recommendations that are research-based on how the target organization can attract millennials to do business with them.  Recommend you pick an industry that is not already millennial-friendly, as it will be easier to come up with recommendations. Avoid companies such as Chipotle, Panera Bread, Starbucks, and Chick-fil-a who built their business by targeting Millennials because it will be challenging to come up with innovative recommendations.  Do not simply summarize what a company is currently doing because you're role-playing a consultant who's getting paid to come up with new approaches to attract millennials.  The key is to come up with recommendations that require the company to modify its operational processes to attract and retain Millennials.  The research will help you if you first look at companies that have a good Millennial base, and then take what they do and adapt it to the company you're consulting for.

You are to role-play an independent consultant for this assignment. Research a company or industry that is modifying its operations to attract Millennials. Prepare your submission as a combination impact study and recommendation paper. You are looking for companies/industries likely to be impacted if they do not target Millennials, and their futures may be at risk.

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Reference No:- TGS03296756

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