
Research attitutes to the us in other countries we

This is your final report and it will take more time than the rest. You need to research attitutes to the US in other countries. We obviously cannot travel the world to do this, but we have many countries represented here on campus by professors and international students.

Don't want to structure this assignment too much, because it would be great if you show your creativity by putting together a questionnaire and interviewing people.

You should interview about 10 people, both professors and students. You can interview more people, if you want. Preferably those 10 should be from different parts of the world. You obviously don't want to interview 10 people from Western Europe.

You should prepare some good open-ended questions and be ready to ask follow up questions if you are not getting a detailed response.

You paper will be then a summary and analysis of the interviews. You should also address what you learned through the interviews. You obviously had some expectations -- did the interviews confirm them?

You might also want to interview several US born citizens and ask them what they think other people think of their country and then compare what we think people think about us and what they really think about us. (You don't have to interview US born citizens, but if you like the idea, it might be interesting to see the result).

Paper format: MLA
Spacing: Double spaced

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History: Research attitutes to the us in other countries we
Reference No:- TGS02805978

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