
research assignment for quantitative methods

Research Assignment for Quantitative Methods 2

Purpose: To design, undertake and analyse research on a negotiated project, possible themes could be any one of the following:

Share price movements and their determinants

Executive pay and company performance "success"

Business growth and the national / international economy

Consumer segmentation and demand patterns

Management style (or organisational culture) and company performance

Market sectors and company performance

Non-negotiable elements

The data collected must be

1. Quantitative

2. Secondary

You will:

¨ Detail the objectives of your research and hypotheses you intend to test.

Using a topic heading explain how you intend to investigate.For example share price movements could be researched using individual share prices over time compared to (say) the FT100 index.

Hypothesis; Share prices are more dependent on the general state of the economy than on managerial performance.

¨ Determine an appropriate sampling method.

Applicable if a sampling frame is available so in this example the selection of companies is done through either a systematic or random sample of FT100 companies.

¨ Design a strategy to obtain the required data, which must be quantitative.

Collect data over a series of periods (minimum 30 data points) using published sources.

¨ Produce visual representations of your findings

This section refers to the need for graphical representations. Bar charts and line graphs are the most useful.

¨ Analyse your results using valid statistical techniques and computer software.

Three key analysis methods are

1. Correlation (possibly regression)

2. T tests (likely to be unpaired.) or z tests.

3. Chi squared tests for nominal data.

¨ Summarise your findings

¨ Evaluate learning from this exercise.

Your group report should cover the above areas in 2000 words equivalence.You will be marked on:

1. Appropriateness and validity of your research design (hypotheses, sampling methodology and data collection design).

2. Application and understanding of statistical techniques.

3. Presentation of findings (graphical, charts and written explanations).

4. Ability to evaluate the limitations and what you have learned from your project.

5. Appropriate references.

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Basic Statistics: research assignment for quantitative methods
Reference No:- TGS0205478

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