
Research assignment- migration between mexico and us the

Research assignment- Migration between Mexico and U.S.

The goal of this research assignment is to explore the migration of people. ideas, and/or images between Mexico and the United States by doing primary research through observation, interviews, or other primary data collection and interpreting finding; through course readings and additional scholarly literature.

The format for the final assignment is a minimum of five pages, double-spaced, and 1-inch margins plus a references page (or footnotes). You must attach your field notes photos; interview transcript/notes/recording or other raw data collection, plus peer-review and rough draft. Final paper is worth 100 points, field notes 10 points, and rough drafts 10 points for a total or l20 points.

Part I: Primary research

1. Select a location where you can observe first-hand the theme of migration between Mexico and the United States. Possibilities include Mexican restaurants and stores; music or art shows; and other community events. See Moodle for a list of suggested locations and feel free to ask me for other ideas. Visit, take detailed notes, take photos (as appropriate), talk to people, and ask questions. Be open to a theme or idea for your paper based on what you notice, but keep themes from clan in the back of your mind to help you focus. More detailed suggestions for what and how to observe are on the back of this sheet.

Or, select a person to interview. Take detailed notes and photos (as appropriate). Be open to a theme or idea for your paper based on what you notice, but keep themes from class in the back of your mind to help you focus. More detailed suggestions for what and how to interview are on the back of this sheet.

Or, with instructor permission, propose an alternative form of primary data collection.

2. Bring your data collection notes (notes, pictures. video. interview recordings. and other materials) to class for discussion. Don't worry about making your notes neat or organized. Digitize and include all your field notes, including pictures, etc... with your final paper.

Part II: Writing and analysis

1. Draft a paper describing and analyzing what you found. Your paper should include:

a. A short description of where you went, when you were there, and why you selected that site and/or who you talked to, when you talked to them, and why you selected them to interview. or other research methods used as applicable (this description should not he more than one paragraph)

b. An analysis of what you observed, heard, or learned (highlighted and described in more detail) linked to themes and ideas from the course and themes and ideas from scholarly literature on migration between Mexico and the US.

i. Suggestions of questions and themes that you might use to guide your essay are listed on the back of this sheet. Please feel free to ask me for feedback as you develop your paper.
ii. Additional literature which may be relevant to your paper will be posted in Moodle. You may also need to do library research and/or ask me or a reference librarian to help you find relevant literature.

2. Participate in a Moodle review workshop; provide and receive one peer review.

3. Use Feedback from reviews and discussion to write a final draft.

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Anonymous user

5/7/2016 8:18:57 AM

The assignment is all about completing a paper on behalf of the complete research on Migration between Mexico and U.S. Choose a place where you can notice first-hand theme of migration between Mexico and the United States. Possibilities comprise Mexican restaurants and stores; music or art shows; and other society events. Be open to a theme or thought for your paper based on what you observe, however keep themes from clan in the back of your mind to assist you focus. Or choose a person to interview. Take complete notes and photos. Be open to a theme or thought for your paper on the basis of what you notice, however keep themes from class in the back of your mind to assist you focus. Or, recommend an alternative form of the primary data collection.