
Research article analysis sections - future implications


- Make sure to have gALE 5 paragraphs

- Use at least 3 citations per body paragraph

- Limit quotations; paraphrase more

Below are the 5 paragraphs and bullet points about what should be in each. In parentheses next to each paragraph type is a typical location where you can find the information.

1. Introduction (abstract & introduction sections) Article title, author, year, source Problem, hypothesis/research questions What was the importance of the study? Guiding theory

Population studied

Overview of methods

2. Major findings (discussion section & some from results) Was hypothesis true?

Important results (related to introduction)

3. Literature review summary (end of introduction or before methods) Review of past theories

Guiding theory of this study & its support

"New" way an old theory is being used

Old theories' shortcomings

4. Future implications (end of discussion or conclusion sections) Is there a new view of the old problem & what is it? How results can be used in the real world

How things should change based on new info found Future directions for new research

5. Conclusion (end of discussion or conclusion section) Recast of hypothesis & what was learned. What is the next step researchers should take? Shortcomings discovered

Essay 1: Research Article Analysis

Summarize major findings of a 10+ page social science research article, summarize its literature review, and explore its topic's implications for the future. Your article must be pre-approved by the instructor.
- Find one 10+ page article with full text from the KSU library database. Must have Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections. IMRaD
Format of Paper
- Introduction, major findings, literature review summary, future implications, & conclusion. (See p. 3 for list of information to include.)
- Citations format: (Author, year, page #, paragraph #) -› (Smith, 2010, p. 32).
- Use section headings
Turn In
- Title page
- Table of contents
- 3-5 page essay
- 3 citations per body section (9 minimum)
- References page listing article in APA format
- Hard copy and Bb Upload
- You can use any KSU database article, but I suggest starting with Academic Search Complete via the A-Z Databases link.
- This should be a direct/deductive paper. Make sure to include an objective, title, topic sentences, paragraph summaries, and section headings that use key words and are complete.
- Your topic must be approved before you start writing. Each student must have a different article. Turn in a complete draft only: title page, table of contents, essay, and references. There will be one draft and one revision of this paper. The draft and revision grades are two separate grades.

- This paper must be turned in as two versions: draft and revision. Turning in the paper only once or trying to turn in the revision before the draft has been graded will earn you only the draft score.

- There will be homework worksheets that must be turned in before the essay to receive points.

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