Research approach (design) is the researchers overall plan for answering the research questions. The design indicates whether or not there is an intervention, the type of intervention, the nature of any comparison to be made, the method to be used to control extraneous variables and enhance the study's interpretability and the timing and location of data collection. There are three broad types of approaches to research. These are i) Historical approach, ii) Survey Research Approach; and iii) Experimental Research Approach. Selection of approach depends on the objectives of the study, the kind of data sought and the research problems to be solved. Besides these, the investigators own skills, background 'academic preparation and areas of competence will influence the selection of the type of research approach. This unit deals with three types of approaches about their meanings, purposes, types, advantages and delimitations which will help the researcher to select the most appropriate approach that fit into its problem, objectives, feasibility, practicability and interest of the researcher.