
Research any new deal program and project

Problem: Research any new deal program and project and explain the cause and effect of both. You can pick any project or program that was produced by The New Deal. You must have the program that was made and a project that was done through the program. You can use the following sites to help you. New Deal Programs New Deal in Colorado Make sure to answer the following questions when explaining that specific project.

1. What was the project/program and why was it important at the time and now?

2. Is the program/project still around

3. Why was the program/project made and what is the reason behind it being made?

4. How did the project/program make a stronger economy?

5. What was the overall cost of the project/program?

6. What was the overall major impact of the project/program to the public and the community?

7. What is your opinion on the program/project, did it actually help the economy, community, and The United States.

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Other Subject: Research any new deal program and project
Reference No:- TGS03335487

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