
Research and write about the following information about

World Religion Research Paper

For this assignment you will be working independently. You will be researching a world religion of your choice (it should be different from your own religion), answering questions about the religion, and composing a research paper.


You must research and write about your assigned religion. These topics should be covered in your paper:

Research and write about the following information about your religion:

- Explanation of beliefs and tenets (life's purpose, myths) - Deities/Deity

- Origins of the religion and its history - Sects within the religion

- Approximate number of followers worldwide - Important people

- Dominant locations where it is/was practiced - Ideas of an afterlife

- Holy Books and texts - Rites and rituals

-The Experiential Dimension: What is it like to be part of this tradition? (You may choose to conduct an interview or visit a holy place, or attend a ritual or worship session to help explain this.)

Format Requirements:

• The paper should be about 8-10 pages, typed, double-spaced using a 12-point font.

• Your paper must include research, which you cite in the paper and in a bibliography.

• You must have at least 4 sources, you may include scholarly sources, from books or journals. You may also interview a leader of follower of the tradition in order to explain the experiential dimension, or include information learned on a site visit you conduct.

• All sources MUST be cited in either proper APA or MLA format.

• Please consult a style guide as a reference so that you cite your sources appropriately. You need to cite sources in each paragraph. You can find this online and also on the UST Library page.

• Please consult the tutoring/writing center for help in writing.

• Correct writing mechanics including spelling, capitalization, grammar and usage.

Final paper duein Blackboard dropbox.

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Dissertation: Research and write about the following information about
Reference No:- TGS02289040

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