
Research and write a paper about a contemporary ethical

Research and write a five-page (double-spaced, one-inch margins) paper about a contemporary ethical issue or problem concerning Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i.

See the issues below and first discuss both sides of the issue as ethical or unethical, according to at least one of the three ethical principles we have discussed, that is, ends-based, rule-based and care-based. Then decide on an ethical position that you support on the issue and justify your decision based on one of the ethical principles you discussed.

On November 16, 2015, following the ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris three days before, Governor Ige announced that Hawai‘i would admit Syrian refugees. One of the reasons he gave for his position is the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Ige's stance contrasted with that of more than thirty primarily Republican governors, who stated that their states will not accept any Syrian refugees because of concern about possible Islamic terrorists among them, a fear repeated by president-elect Trump in his proposed ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. After Ige's announcement, some opposition was expressed locally, including that the state should first address its homelessness problem before providing a place for refugees. Should Hawai‘i accept Syrian refugees? Or should we oppose this proposal because of the state's homelessness and other problems?

Length : 5 pages.

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Essay Writing: Research and write a paper about a contemporary ethical
Reference No:- TGS02159407

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