
Research and report on thenbspcurrent job market for the

Formal Report Assignment

Research and report on the current job market for the industry of your interest. 

Your report should focus on a particular U.S. locale (i.e. southwest Alabama, the state of Alabama, the southern region of the U.S., etc.). 

Your research must include:

  • At least 6 job postings from at least 4 separate job search websites including commercial and/or governmental (county, state, or federal).  Research jobs requiring a college degree.
  • Detailed information about 2 of the companies (or organizations/agencies) represented among the job postings you choose. (Include at least 2 researched sources for each company.)

The Body of the report must include:

  • Concise original sentences in organized block-style paragraphs  with cited sources organized into the following sections:
    • Introduction (1/2 page) - short lead-in paragraph(s) for your findings
    • Section 1Organizations with Jobs in the Field of ________ (at least 2 pages about the 2 companies researched)
    • Section 2Comparison of Jobs in the Field of ________ (at least 4 pages about the 6 jobs postings).
  • Educational and Experience Requirements
  • Job Skills Required
  • Duties and Tasks of the Job

Note: Comparisons must be in paragraphed discussion form; no bulleted lists accepted

  • Include a table comparing the jobs you researched to reinforce your discussion (1/2 page).  You may include additional graphics as long as all other requirements are met.
  • The Conclusion should include a summary of the essential requirements among the jobs you researched. (1/2 to 1 page)

Use direct quotes sparingly and cite properly.

The Formal Report parts you are responsible for submitting include:

  • Title Page
  • Letter of Transmittal
  • Table of Contents (See "Adding a dot leader to a table of contents" in Microsoft Help for correct formatting.)
  • List of illustrations (including the assigned table)
  • Executive Summary
  • Body (6 written pages plus Introduction, Conclusion, and comparison table).  See above details.
  • Works Cited (at least 10 (properly formatted) sources)


  • Thoroughly read the assigned chapters and videos before beginning this report. (Part 3 video may contain some differences for report  setup.  In that case, please follow the instructions above. Part 4 video refers to a sample report. Instead, see our textbook for examples.)
  • Use only 3rd person point of view for this report.  (NOT: I, me, we, us, or you)
  • Text is single-spaced with double spaces between paragraphs, block style. Part 4 video gives more information. 
  • Bulleted lists do not count as required written content and cannot be substituted for written text.
  • Use the MLA style as described in the textbook or USA library resources.
  • See due dates on class schedule and in the Formal Report Instructions.

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Business Management: Research and report on thenbspcurrent job market for the
Reference No:- TGS02242462

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