Research and explore a current issue or trend in education

Assignment task: Issues and Trends Presentation

The issues and trends presentation allows you to research and explore a current issue or trend in education. There are two primary purposes of the assignment. The first purpose of the assignment is to improve your research and writing skills. You will have to select a topic, find current research on it, and then present what you've learned in an easy to understand manner. The assignment also serves as an opportunity for your instructor to evaluate your professional dispositions as a teacher. When you create your presentation, do it as if you were teaching your classmates or colleagues about the topic you selected.

Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions   :

1. First, select a topic. The topic can be a current issue in education, a classroom challenge (ex. lack of motivation), or simply a topic in education that you want to learn more about.

2. Next, research that topic. You must find and use at least three sources for your presentation. Each source should add something new to your understanding of the topic.

3. Once you have a good understanding of the topic, you can create the PowerPoint presentation.

  • The presentation should be visually appealing and easy to follow. Do not overcrowd the slides.
  • Your presentation should be well-rounded and provide a full overview of the topic and what you learned. Make sure that the topic is narrow enough that you could provide an overview in the allotted number of slides. The research that you did should drive the presentation.
  • You should provide additional details in the notes section. These notes should be written as if you could use them asa script for a live presentation. They will be much more detailed than what is on the slides.
  • The content on your slides and in your notes should all be written at a graduate level.

Issues and Trends Formatting Requirements

1. Your presentation should include 10-12 content slides, in addition to title and reference slides. The total length should be 12-14 slides.

  • You must cite at least three sources in your presentation.
  • Presentation must include a reference slide with references in 7th Edition APA format.

2. You must include additional information in the notes section of each content slide. These notes should support the slides and provide evidence that you researched and fully understand the topic (i.e. you should include citations).

  • You may write the notes as if you were going to read them for a presentation.

3. You must submit your assignment in PowerPoint format so that your instructor can view both the slides and the notes.

4. Use direct quotes sparingly. The presentation should be primarily in your own words to show that you understand the material.

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Other Subject: Research and explore a current issue or trend in education
Reference No:- TGS03438788

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