
Research and expand on the topic focusing on the 21st


The following is a description of the overall topic, along with several options for your group to choose from:

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving. Most healthcare organizations are among the largest employers in their community and demand for workers is projected to outpace supply on a national scale.

The fundamental field of human resources is impacted by shifting demographics, new technologies, and the growing complexity of accreditation demands and state/federal regulations.

The ultimate goal of healthcare human resource management is to leverage human capital resources in an effort to provide efficient and effective value to patients and stakeholders centered on cost, access, and quality of care.

Topic: Nurse Labor Shortages

Research and expand on the topic, focusing on the 21st century healthcare environment (a current issue or current/future challenge) based upon knowledge of current literature and industry best practices.

Research Project - Annotated Bibliography Instructions

After choosing the topic for your Research Project, you will complete an Annotated Bibliography, this assignment will be used as the foundation for the research for your project.

Identify at least 5 scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals addressing your topic. All articles must be less than 10 years old. Ensure that the Annotated Bibliography s in proper and current APA format.

Criterion prompts to consider for Annotated Bibliography content:

• A brief statement regarding any authors and their credentials as authorities on the subject

• A concise statement regarding the relevance of the article for your topic

• A salient or meaningful quote from the article that you would likely cite if you were to write an essay on this topic

Research Project - Outline Instructions

You will complete a full-sentence outline in preparation for the Final Document.

The Outline must include a thesis statement, the research topic being addressed, how much space will be allotted to each section of the paper, and a preliminary reference list of at least 5 sources that are less than 10 years old.

Questions to consider in the Outline:

1. What is the topic?

2. Why is the topic significant?

3. What background material is relevant?

4. What is our thesis or purpose statement?

5. What organizational plan will best support our purpose?

6. How much space is estimated per section?

Also, include the elements noted in the Research Paper - Final Document Instructions.

Full-Sentence Outline

The full-sentence outline format is essentially the same as the alphanumeric outline. The main difference (as the title suggests) is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay. See the example below.

Thesis Statement:

Questions/Issues Being Addressed:

I. Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming.

A. Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific community to be harmful (Smith, 2014).

1. The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary releasers of hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full-sentence outlines are often accompanied by an APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize APA in-text citations.

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Operation Management: Research and expand on the topic focusing on the 21st
Reference No:- TGS02800965

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