Discuss the below:
Research Paper:
• Research and develop a draft thesis statement about a topic of interest to you. Ask your professor to review your statement, discuss your paper.
• Create an outline for your paper and share it with your instructor for approval.
• Your paper must be a minimum of 10 pages, double-spaced, Times-New-Roman font size 12, 1-inch margins all around, not including title page and bibliography.
Your paper must include:
• A thesis statement, a main body including accurate and reliable research
• Analysis of your thesis and research
• A conclusion with a summary of your research and final statement
• A paper that is free of grammatical and spelling errors
• Citations in MLA format
• Bibliography in MLA format
• A minimum of eight reliable references
Information to include about your case:
• Brief history of the case.
• Who are the plaintiffs, defendants?
• Is it a criminal or civil lawsuit? Or both?
• Which court/jurisdiction was the case filed in?
• What laws, regulations, rules were in question for this case?
• What remedies and/or criminal penalties are sought?
• What were the judgments?
• Were there any appeals and if so, what was the outcome of those?
• What ethical issues were evident in this case?
• Any other important elements in the case not included on this list.
• Your personal opinion/recommendation for this case.
You are required to present your research to the class including a PowerPoint or similar presentation slides. If you are taking this class online, you need to submit presentation slides and you may include a video of yourself presenting by either using screen capture recordings, or by recording yourself presenting the research. Videos will receive 10 extra credit points toward your honors project.
Presentations guidelines:
• Approximately 5-7 minutes in length
• Include professional slides and other prompts if appropriate
• Do not read your presentation to the class
• List bibliography on your last slide