
Research and analyze one of the following topics- the

Cultural Assignment:

Description Of the assignment-

Research and analyze one of the following topics and Write 1-2 page summary in english. This help in gaining a better understanding and appreciation of the cultural, historical, or socio- political situations of a Spanish-speaking country as well as challenge personal assumptions about Hispanic cultures.

All topics must be directly related to a cultural aspect from a Spanish-speaking country. The possible Topics are:

• Famous people from past and/or present, example: artist, architects, scientists, conquistadores; leaders, kings and queens, etc... NOTE. If you choose to research a famous person, make sure your assignment is NOT just a biography of the person. You need to include information regarding the historical or cultural importalite and significance of the person.

• Important historical events, past or present, relationships between the USA an d other Latin-American Countries.

• Architectural styles, famous historical monuments, famous historical cities, archeological discoveries etc.

• Ancient culture such as the Mayans the Aztecs. the Incas and/or different people from the rain forest.

• Past and/or present social issues Suchh as: drugs, drug trafficking groups or cartels, poverty, deforestatinreligions, the rights of the native people, illiteracy education etc.

• Natural resources, wildlife, natural phenomenon.

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Essay Writing: Research and analyze one of the following topics- the
Reference No:- TGS01525248

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