
Research an emergency incident of your choice that has

Research an emergency incident of your choice that has occurred in the past twenty years and describe how the incident was handled in regard to incident command.
Did they follow the ICS system? What were some mistakes? Make some recommendations. 

With as much detail as possible answer the following questions as they apply to that event. Be sure to include a summary of the event.

Describe the Command and Control Process.
Describe the role of the Incident Commander.
Define the term "Span of Control."

(If you are having trouble finding an emergency incident to use, think of something like the Graniteville, South Carolina train derailment and chlorine leak, or the Howard Street Tunnel Fire in Baltimore.)

write a 700 Word APA formatted paper and 3 minimum references. 

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Other Subject: Research an emergency incident of your choice that has
Reference No:- TGS01030579

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