
Research an aboriginal community controlled health service


In this assessment task you will identify and research an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS). You will analyse why ACCHSs are proven to be clinically effective, reflecting understanding of:

  • The historical, social and cultural determinants of health as they relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • The ongoing impact of colonisation on health and how the ACCHS responds to their community
  • The health services, programs and environments that contribute towards culturally safe health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

The service is Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (TAC).

Criterion One: Examine the features of the ACCHS that make it clinically effective and culturally safe.

Criterion Two: Analyse the relationship between the historical, cultural and social determinants of health as they relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the community that the ACCHS serves. Want Assignment Help?

Criterion Three: Communicate effectively and respectfully in a professional manner.

Criterion Four: Evidence of in-depth engagement with appropriate academic literature and other resources.

Your report should follow the following format:

Introduction (roughly 150 words): Briefly identify the main points that you will explore in the report, including introducing your chosen ACCHS. 

Report Body (roughly 900 words): Here you present your analysis of why ACCHSs are proven to be clinically effective, through the analysis of your chosen ACCHS, reflecting understanding of:

  • The historical, social and/or cultural determinants of health as they relate to the community in which your chosen ACCHS is based
  • The health services and programs of the ACCHS that make it clinically effective
  • The features and environment that contribute towards culturally safe health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • How the ACCHS' services and environment contribute to the Social and Emotional Wellbeing of the members of their community
  • Conclusion (roughly 150 words): Summarize your main points in light of your analysis.

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Other Subject: Research an aboriginal community controlled health service
Reference No:- TGS03448953

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