
Research additional critical commentary box office success

Step 1: List 5 of your favorite movies in this discussion forum. Select your #1 and tell us why. This could include anecdotal pop-culture reflections and so forth.

Step 2: Research additional critical commentary, box office success statistics, direct quotes by commentators on the movie, etc. to add depth to your discussion posts/essay assignment. Three online sources are required and need to be used in your essay. Please research these sites on your own and include details from this material as a way to support your insights. Use both in-text citations and a works cited page to credit this work correctly using the MLA form. Please document every site you use, including ones we've provided in the course.

What kind of genre is this movie categorized under? Research "genre" if need be. See linked course resource material. Add details on this area of film history too. Why were certain actors used? Do you tend to like this particular director's work?

Also, is your movie on the "100 Essential Films" list? (See linked course resources material.)

Step 3: Read and review several articles found on the linked "The Atlantic and Film" course resource material. In several paragraphs, compare and contrast the unifying points in one of the pieces you've selected, with your movie of choice. Use details from the article to make your points. It needn't be lengthy, but should be precise. And creative.

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Dissertation: Research additional critical commentary box office success
Reference No:- TGS02429123

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