
Research about your country and post a synopsis of your

Final Class Project for International Management

Each week you will conduct research about your country and post a synopsis of your research topic for the week on the discussion board.

You will also need to cite your resource(s) in APA format at the end of the synopsis. Wiki's are not considered appropriate resources as they are created by the public; however, you may use the resources that are cited in the Wiki if they are credible.

Credible generally means peer-reviewed articles, reference materials and books.

Many countries have their own version of a population census and economic indicators such as GDP or Consumer Price Index. There will be nine weekly discussion posts for the project.

At the end of the semester there are 2 weeks without textbook readings and postings. During this time, you will summarize your weekly research into a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 12, maximum of 20 slides.

In these slides you will have:

1. Cover slide

2. Introduction

3. Content from your research

4. References slide in APA format

5. Summary slide

Final Course Project

The Final Course Project will be an individual effort rather than working as a group. This assignment is designed to help you transition from the learner phase of the course to a manager/practitioner of the strategies, concepts and information that you have garnered from your textbook and additional readings during the semester.

As you will learn, each business, country, culture, manager and employees will vary in how they conduct their business. Global expansion has afforded many small businesses an opportunity to expand their reach in the marketplace, so please don't limit yourself to only a large corporate or country focus.

Choose a country that you would like to investigate in terms of their import/export needs and policies, their participation in trade agreements, their specific cultural business practices and how geopolitical issues may affect that country. Suggestions for choosing a country include:

1. Personal interest such as a family connection or travel

2. Business interest such as a company you would like to work for does business in that country.

3. Curiosity because of something you have read, such as, in Australia, handguns are banned.

4. The country is frequently in the news you read.

5. You spin a globe and choose where your finger lands.

The choice of country is yours and you will be working on it all semester, so be sure it is interesting to you!

A discussion board will open and you will each post a country. There cannot be any duplicates and first posted gets dibbs on that country.

Check the discussion board before you choose to avoid disappointment.

Attachment:- Project for International Management.rar

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Marketing Research: Research about your country and post a synopsis of your
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