
Research about supermassive black holes


For This Assignment

First, read the article: Milky Way's black hole flared 2 million years ago.

Next, research supermassive black holes

Go online and research more about supermassive black holes, using reliable sites. Find at least one (1) site that has information about supermassive black holes, not just the Milky Way's black holes

Lastly, after completing the online research and reading the article, answer the following questions:

1. What additional information did you uncover in regard to supermassive black holes? How does this compare to the Astronomy article Milky Way's black hole flared 2 million years ago?

2. Why do you think astronomers use two different names for the Milky Way's black hole; Sagittarius A* and Sgr A*?3.

3. It was noted that the last outburst was "Like a fossil record of a huge outburst of energy." What do you suppose is meant by that statement?

4. What type of "fireworks" might astronomers see when the Milky Way's black hole again becomes active in the near future, as soon as this year? Does it pose any danger to us on Earth? Why or Why not?

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Science: Research about supermassive black holes
Reference No:- TGS03194721

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