
Research about industrial machinery and heavy equipment

Research Report

Research about Industrial Machinery and Heavy Equipment manufacturing.

Research Report


Each student will choose a topic area in manufacturing that you are interested in learning more details about as the basis for their research report. If you have a question about your choice of a topic, please talk with the instructor.

Content Sections:

All research reports need to be written in MS Word or equivalent. Every student's research report is slightly different; however, there are key items to be included in all reports:

Title Page

Table of Contents


(Main Body)



Introduction: This is a general intro that describes the - "Who", "What", "Where", and "When", about the report. Essentially, it gives the reader the general background information to your report.

(Main Body): Research Reports - This is where the bulk of what you are writing goes. It is not labeled "Main Body"; you will have to choose the appropriate title or titles for this section. This is the section where you put the main parts of your report topic. It is permissible to include some pictures, screen shots, illustrations, data tables, etc., in this section. However, limit the total number of these elements. If you include such examples, be sure to reference them in the text. The main method of explaining your research is through your writing in this report.

Conclusions/Observations: At the end of your research report, write about what you have learned from your research. Be sure to talk what you would do differently the next time you do a report similar to this one.

References: You should have a variety of reference material that you used to help you through the writing of your research report. You may choose the style/method of listing them, but please be consistent with your format. (References start on a separate page with "Reference" as the title.)


Title Page: All written reports will have a title page. Please refer to the posted "Senior Project Report Template" for the format.

Table of Contents Page: All written reports will have a Table of Contents page. Please refer to the posted "Senior Project Report Template" for the format.

Main Text Size: The majority of the text in this assignment needs to be set in 12-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes. If you doubt your applications intentions, just select your text and insure that it is in 12-point size.

Text Spacing: For the body of your written report, set it for double spacing.

Header Text Size: All of the header text in this assignment can be set in 14-point or 16-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes. Pick your text size and use it consistently throughout the assignment. If you doubt your applications intentions, just select your text and insure that it is in its chosen point size.

Page Margins: Set your pages to one-inch margins. One-inch margins mean one (1") on all sides. The only text that ends up on the outside of the one-inch margin is the page number.

Spelling/Grammar Checking: Remember to do your spelling and grammar checking before turning your assignments in. When doing the spelling/grammar checking keep in mind that some words such as mush and must, woods and words, or here and cow, will not be caught by either check. To correct these problems, you will need to proofread your work.

Page Numbers: Any assignment that has more than one page, needs to have page numbers on it. Please place your page numbers on the bottom of the page. In MS Word, use the footer selection and place the page number in the bottom center or bottom right of the page.

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Dissertation: Research about industrial machinery and heavy equipment
Reference No:- TGS01550266

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