
Research a union organization


Write a 4 to 5 page paper using the internet, research a Union Organization and discuss it in detail. Evaluate what the organization is all about and what the organization wants to achieve.

Also, discuss the Do's and Don'ts discussed- Do's: CREATE IDEA -Consistent with the organization's dress code, allow employees to wear campaign or union buttons, shirts, and jackets and, if consistent with the organization's technology use policy, use union screen savers. Request outside union officials to leave facility property if they try to solicit employees there, if consistent with your organization's policy.

Explain that joining a union does not guarantee better wages or benefits. Answer employees' questions about organization policies and discuss the union campaign issues. Tell employees that unions can be costly-for example, the employees are expected to pay union dues and fees. Explain that the organization will bargain in good faith if the majority of the employees really want a union. Assure employees that, with or without the union, management is going to continue to try to make the organization a good place to work. Inform the employees that, insofar as their status with the organization is concerned, they are free to join or not to join any union they choose. Describe the good features of working for the organization, such as existing benefits, job security, and the ability to have one-on-one exceptions. Explain the meaning of the phrases dues checkoff and union shop. Administer appropriate disciplinary action or terminate any employee who threatens or coerces other employees, whether for or against the union.

Don'ts - TTIPSS - Threaten, coerce, or discriminate in any way against any employee for participating in union activities. Treat pro-union or anti-union employees differently. Interrogate your employees or applicants concerning union activities, preferences, or organizers. Do not meet privately in your office with employees regarding unionization. Promise wages, holidays, improvements in working conditions, or any other benefits to encourage employees to abandon or vote against the union. Spy on employees or conduct surveillance of any kind to determine the level of union support, including handling, touching, reviewing, or accepting union authorization cards. Support financially any unions as related to your identified Union.

In summary, discuss if you feel Unions are needed and why? Include material from our readings and utilize the university library to research at least 4 current scholarly, peer-reviewed references published within the past 5 years. Cite all references and utilize APA format.

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