
Research a topic that allow others to learn something

Assignment Instructions: For the final project, you will research a topic of interest and then write a 5 page (not including the Work Cited page) essay that will allow others to learn something that they didn't know about the topic you've chosen. You will need to find three reliable, academic sources of outside information that adds information to your research. You may not use any sources that come from Wikipedia or have a .com website address.

Your project should include the following elements:

  • Proper heading information (name, course number, date)
  • Last name and page number on upper right side of each page
  • A title
  • A strong introductory paragraph with an easily identifiable thesis statement
  • 5 full pages of content in proper paragraph form
  • Properly cited outside source information within the body of your paper that adds information for your reader
  • A strong conclusion
  • A Work Cited page

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Other Subject: Research a topic that allow others to learn something
Reference No:- TGS03052778

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