
Research a recent technology change the google implemented


Select one of the following organizations: Google, Zappos, Southwest, Xerox, Samsung, or Procter & Gamble to research a recent technology change the company implemented. For this assignment, use sources from the library, company Website, and/or other internet databases to research the selected organization. Determine the reasons for the change, the effectiveness of managing the change, and how the change has impacted the company.

Prepare a brief 2 page summary outlining the technology change for the company you selected and how your current or former organization may benefit from a similar technology initiative (i.e. a change to improve or replace a current process). Be sure to adhere to current APA standards.


Bank of America Merrill Lynch. (2015). Beyond borders: Build or buy [video].

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Marketing Management: Research a recent technology change the google implemented
Reference No:- TGS01757587

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