
Research a piece of american pop culture from the past and

This assignment provides you an opportunity to research a piece of American pop culture from the past and analyze its influence on human behavior in society both then and now.

After reading the culture chapter attached below, you should be familiar with what popular culture is. You are surrounded everyday by pop culture influences such as fashion, mass media, music, consumer goods, and celebrity pop culture icons.

For example, the Facebook phenomenon of today is greatly influencing the way we present ourselves to others we know and don't know, how we communicate with one another, how we define 'friends', and what we consider to be important information in our daily lives. This is an example of how influential popular culture can be.

Pop Culture Project Objective: Research a piece of American pop culture from the past and analyze the influence on human behavior in society both then and now.

Browse through the online encyclopedia I have provided for you entitled, Pop Culture Universe. Click on this link and then select Pop Culture Universe under "P" for an online encyclopedia that takes you through various decades of popular culture influences such as consumer products, music, television, fashion, and icons that defined different decades in American culture.

This will familiarize you with the decade that houses your topic. You should become familiar with some of the social and political influences of the decade as these often contribute to how pop culture is both created and received by a mass audience.

Do some research on your topic so that you have some material to present in a Power Point presentation.

Create a Power Point presentation of 6-8 slides that shares the information you learned about your pop culture topic. Include points:The decade in which this pop culture is housed and a few things that defined this decade (social/political events)

What it is and how it began?

Who was the most influenced by this form of pop culture and why. Just how popular did this phenomenon become?

Is there a form of this pop culture that exists today but may have advanced or changed in shape or form? (example, vinyl records can now be associated with CDs of today).

Visual examples of this pop culture (you may include video clips and pictures)

Record narration for this presentation with VoiceThread. The instructions and link for VoiceThread are included here.

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Dissertation: Research a piece of american pop culture from the past and
Reference No:- TGS02632216

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