
Research a healthcare current event from a reputable source

Assignment Task:

Healthcare is an ever-changing field with new technology arising daily.  It is important to stay current in your field and to educate yourself on any new treatments, medications, procedures, etc.  You are fortunate to live in an age where information is literally at your fingertips. Once in your profession, it is important to stay current in your field. Read journals, listen to podcasts, get on medical websites and apps, watch medical shows (some for education, some just for entertainment).  It is also important to be involved in your professions professional society.  This is a good way to network, attend conferences, and learn the latest from your field.    

 Research a healthcare current event from a reputable source and submit a written summary.

 A 4-6 paragraph summary of your article.  Include some of the following:

What did learn from the article? Why did choose the particular topic?  Do agree with the author's point of view?  How does your article relate to Patient Centered Care?  Do you think your topic needs to be researched further in the future? Are there any downsides to your article? Don't forget to provide a brief summary of the article as well.

Topics may include: patient communication, staff burnout, patient access to health information, Electronic Health Records, family involvement in healthcare, physician communication, new technologies, or creating a patient centered healthcare environment.  Basically any course related topic which interests you.  You can also choose an article related to a field you think you may want to work in or a topic that perhaps affects yourself, a friend, or family member.

 Read your paper prior to submitting to check flow and grammar and CITE YOUR SOURCE using APA



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Other Subject: Research a healthcare current event from a reputable source
Reference No:- TGS03415604

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