
Research a current event related to a contemporary issue in

Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice

Current Event Three Page Double Spaced Paper

Students will be required to research a current event related to a contemporary issue in criminal justice today. Paper must be three pages double spaced.

Example: If the contemporary issue you found is the following news release: Baltimore Police Chief Fired over Gender Inequality in Hiring

Practices" use the following to complete the assignment:

There are four (4) parts to this assignment: You Must Use this Format

Part One: Introduction to Topic:

• Why did you select this topic

• Who: Who does it affect and how?

• What: What are the primary issues related to this topic?

Part Two: Summarize the Current Event

Who: Who is reporting this and who does it involve?


My current event "Baltimore Police Chief Fired over Gender Inequality in Hiring Practices" was taken from NBC nightly news (NBC, 2018) regarding the firing of the Police Commissioner Joe Black in Baltimore MD after he refused to hire women who scored higher on the civil service entrance than men hired who had substantially less qualifications.

When and What happened?:Answer the following three (3) questions)

1. What happened and why was it important to report the event. :

2. What is the purpose of reporting this and what are the implications?

3. What data, facts, research supports was used to report this?


On January 5 2018, Sgt. Jane Smith with the Baltimore PD filed a Federal EEOC complaint against Chief Black and the city for denying her promotion when her test scores, service record, and tenured experience were far better than males who were hired for Captain. This event marks the third such case against Chief Black.

Reports indicate that Chief Black has a long history of promoting males only. The implications of such a suit are substantial. If won, Sgt.

Jane Smith stands to win the largest settlement in the States history totaling over 10 million dollars, opening the door for other female employees who suffered the same discriminatory practices.

Hiring records for the last 10 years clearly show that only males were promoted. Additionally, service records of all applicants seeking promotion indicate that in 97% of all promotions females out qualified male candidates.

The law suit was filed on January 5th in the 7th circuit division of civil court and is set for a hearing on March 10, 2018. .

Part Three: Impact on the Criminal Justice System

In a larger sense, going beyond the event:

How and why does this issue affect the Criminal Justice System?

Remember the CJ System is comprised on Law Enforcement, the Courts, and Corrections.

Part Four (4): Resolutions/Conclusions

Offer suggestions as to how to resolve the issue and who needs to be part of this resolution.

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Dissertation: Research a current event related to a contemporary issue in
Reference No:- TGS02681587

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