

Research proposal.
Your proposal must be for a study that would examine the impact of a public health or medical intervention, such as exploring the question:

"Is a case study an effective method for preventing/treating scarlet fever in children?"

Research Proposal Submission Checklist

? Formatting rules:
? Each section (background, objective, methods, timeline, budget, and c.v.) should start on a new page. The name of the section should be underlined and bolded and placed in the center of the top line on the first page of the section.
? A page number should appear at the center of the bottom of each page.
? The entire document should be double-spaced with a blank line between paragraphs.
? You must use a Table for the timeline and budget rather than sentences.
? Follow APA guidelines throughout the document.
? The proposal is written in good English and has been spellchecked
? The entire proposal is written in the author's own words; plagiarism will result in a grade of "0" for the paper
? A cover page that includes only (1) a project title, (2) the name of the author/principal investigator (PI), and (3) a one paragraph summary of the proposed research project.
? A background (2 pages) that includes:
? an opening statement about the main study question, including a very brief description of the proposed study population (including its location), exposure /intervention, and disease that will be evaluated
? a short literature review (with in-text citations to at least 5 references) that explains how the proposed project is related to previous studies and what will make it new and important
? A statement of the objectives of the research project: one main statement of purpose plus three to four specific aims. The list can be in bullet-point format and can be phrased in the form of the questions that will be answered or as "to" statements (such as "The specific aims are to identify / to compare / to evaluate _____.").
? A description of the methods (minimum of 4 pages) that provides details about the proposed source population, sampling strategy, and recruiting strategy; ethical considerations (such as informed consent, benefits, and risk mitigation); data collection methods such as the use of a questionnaire, interviews, biological specimen collection, observation, and/or other techniques); and data analysis methods.

All references should be in apa format.

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Other Subject: Research
Reference No:- TGS0946122

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