

WRC 1023 QL Argument
Guidelines for the quantitative literacy essay.
1. Select a topic.
2. Research the topic you selected
a. Use at least -4_ sources
b. Sources must come from academic databases (not general internet sources)
c. One source must be a dataset
i. Find your own data set or use a dataset prepared by the library
ii. Calculate different summaries from the data (Analyze basic)
3. Write your claim
4. Collect data to support your claim (Explore intermediate)
5. Formulate clear, accurate statements about the data using actual numerical values (Translate basic)
6. Create a graphic representation of the data (Visualize basic)
a. Include a title, number, labels, and source information
b. Refer to text for examples
7. Develop your argument
a. Introduction
i. Get your reader’s attention
ii. Present your position (your claim)
b. Body
i. Support your claim with facts, details, examples, reasons
1. Synthesize your sources
2. Cite all sources internally
3. Use MLA or APA documentation style
ii. Incorporate your graph
1. Include the title, number, and labels
2. Summarize the data represented by the graph, briefly (Translate intermediate)
3. Offer an alternate interpretation of the data (Assimilate basic)
4. Argue/defend the conclusions you made about the data, including the specific numerical data for support (Express advanced)
iii. Anticipate and respond to the opposition
c. Conclusion
8. Revise for organization, transitions, sentence structure, and word choice
9. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and spelling
10. Format
a. __5__ pages
b. Follow MLA format guidelines

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English: Research
Reference No:- TGS0703410

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