Create a database from scratch that contains, at a minimum, the elements listed below. The type of database you create is up to you. However, I highly encourage you to build a "real-world" application where you create a database for work, school, or your own use using real data. For example, you might use sales, wage, inventory, or other data from work, incorporate a project from another class, or build an application to use for school.
A brief paragraph or two describing the purpose of your database an its functionality, plus a detailed E-R diagram.
It should include, at a minimum,
- At least three related tables
- Use correct relationships
- Enforce referential integrity
- Make all foreign keys look-up fields
- Use cascade update
Queries (these queries can be linked to forms and/or reports)
- Multiple table and parameter
- Create calculated field
- Crosstabs, find duplicates, find unmatched, and find top value queries (choose two)
- Append, delete, make-table, and update queries (choose two)
- Main and subform
- Hyperlink
- Data entry controls; textboxes, list boxes, combo boxes, option groups, check boxes, toggle buttons, and command buttons (choose four)
- Format forms attractively using color, shading, lines, and fonts
- Export reports to Word or Excel
- Apply sorting and grouping options
- Create a summary calculated field
- Apply conditional formatting
- Create a custom format and use for all reports
- Format forms attractively using color, shading, lines, and fonts
- Create and run a macro
- Create and use a switchboard
- Create a custom menu, toolbar, or short-cut menu and attach it to the switchboard.
- Set start-up options
Grades will be determined by the completed objectives listed below.
Points (0-5)
At least three related tables
Correct and appropriate relationships
All foreign keys look-up fields
Multiple table and parameter
Calculated field
Crosstabs, find duplicates, find unmatched, and find top value queries (choose two)
Append, delete, make-table, and update queries (choose two)
Main and subform
Data entry controls; textboxes, list boxes, combo boxes, option groups, check boxes, toggle buttons, and command buttons (choose four)
Format forms attractively using color, shading, lines, and fonts, add hyperlink
Export reports to Word or Excel
Calculated summary fields
Apply sorting and grouping options
Format forms attractively using color, shading, lines, and fonts
Create a custom format and use for all reports
Macros or Modules
Create and use switchboards
Use VBA to customize a database by creating functions, event procedures, etc.
Is the application intuitive and easy to use? Are objects well placed?
Does the application do what it is supposed to do? Does it function correctly and efficiently?
Does the application look inviting? Are things spelled correctly?