requirements1 complete the following two


1.  Complete the following two exercises by developing working csharp projects.

2.  Write a report to explain csharp code written in the projects.

3.  Submit a .zip file containing your csharp projects and your report

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Exercise 1:

A bank has 4 clocks in its boardroom in London, set to the times at the major stock exchanges, namely, London, New York, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Their offsets from UTC (Universal Standard Time) in winter are 0, 5, -9, and -8.

Create six .cs programs. The first one is a base class LocalTime which contains a virtual DisplayTimeAndCity() method, the next four are four derived classes each of which displays local time in London, New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong, and the last one is a Test class which reads in a time in London, instantiates objects for each of the 4 Times, then prints them out with the city names.

Exercise 2:

Create a table that consists of 10 places. Insert the following table entries A1, I9, R18, S19, E5, O15, and Y25, where the integers are subscripts which represent the positions of these letters in the alphabet into the table by using the hashing function

H(Ln) = n%10

And probe function

P(Ln) = max (1, n/10).

Create a windows application which at least contains a display area in a form for displaying the table.

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DOT NET Programming: requirements1 complete the following two
Reference No:- TGS0211598

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