
Requirements listed using java programming code only you


Solve the requirements listed below using Java programming code only. You must use the concepts we work on in class. All code must be fully commented. This is an individual assignment and all students must work independently in order to receive a mark. You must follow the instructions given below in order to receive full marks. If you require any clarification, please email the instructor. No extensions will be given unless approved by the instructor prior to the due date.

Tasks: We have started working on an in-class application. The required baseline files for this assignment (Employee, Product, ServiceClass and Main [containing the main() method]) are files we have worked on in class. Your task for assignment 1 is to write the functionality for each class as listed below:

- Create appropriate packages for all classes;
- Create the following classes that will inherit from the Employee class:
o Hourly Employee
o Salary Employee
o Commission Employee
o Add functional methods for all employee types
o Each sub-class will have some unique features to salary/pay calculating methods that differentiate from the super class;
- Create product class with functional methods
- Create a manufacturer class and add a composition (HAS-A) reference to the Product class for each Product Object created. Add option to display Manufacturer info when reviewing a product.
- Complete the menu driven code in the main method in the Main class so it will:
o Read user input and create a new employee object. This needs to be added to an ArrayList for storage;
o Allow for a search of an employee and display the result;
o Allow for a search for a product and display the result;
- Add validation to ALL user input (Note: NOT error handling/try-catch);
- Implement class abstraction where applicable.
Concepts covered in class: Java classes (with constructors, methods and variables), Inheritance, Polymorphism, Composition, Logic, Comments, UML Class Diagrams.

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JAVA Programming: Requirements listed using java programming code only you
Reference No:- TGS02392367

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